Course Rotations
Teacher Certification Track
Courses | Offered |
HP 5335 Sport Pedagogy | Fall |
HP 5384 Sport Biomechanics | Fall |
HP 5334 Pedagogy and Physical Education | Fall |
HP 5379 Research Methods | Spring |
HP 5368 Motor Skill Learning and Performance | Spring |
HP 5V70 Technical Skills of Teaching/Coaching | Spring |
HP 5377 Issues & Trends in Human Performance/Sport Management | Minimester |
EDP 5334 Statistics HP 5380 Experimental Design & Statistical Methods (Spring only) | Fall, Spring, or Summer |
HP 5370 Sport Psychology | Summer |
Elective | Fall or Summer |
HP 5V90 Internship (6hrs) | Fall or Spring |
*Note: Schedule is subject to change
Non-Teacher Certification Track
Courses | Offered |
HP 5335 Sport Pedagogy | Fall |
HP 5384 Sport Biomechanics | Fall |
Elective | Fall |
HP 5355 Power, Speed, Agility Training | Spring |
HP 5368 Motor Skill Learning and Performance | Spring |
HP 5379 Research Methods | Spring |
HP 5377 Issues & Trends in Human Performance/Sport Management | Minimester |
EDP 5334 Statistics or HP 5380 Experimental Design & Statistical Methods (Spring only) | Fall, Spring, or Summer |
HP 5370 Sport Psychology | Summer |
Elective | Fall or Summer |
HP 5V90 Internship (6 hrs) | Fall or Spring |
*Note: Schedule is subject to change