“The MSMS program was instrumental in allowing me to become a better medical school applicant. I attribute my acceptances to medical school to this program and the experience that it provided. It was a positive experience with instructors that are passionate about teaching, former and current physicians providing insight into their experiences, and the constant and overwhelming support from the MSMS staff. —Garrett S. (MSMS ’24)
Spring Term
Subject/Course # | Course Title | Credit Hours |
MSMS 5300 | Medical/Biostatistics | 3 |
MSMS 5440 | Cardiopulmonary Physiology | 4 |
MSMS 5201 | Intro to Clinical Research & Evidence-Based Decision Making | 2 |
MSMS 5250 | Medical Ethics from a Christian Perspective | 2 |
| Spring Total Credit Hours | 11 |
Summer Term
Subject/Course # | Course Title | Credit Hours |
MSMS 5500 | Advanced Human Anatomy | 5 |
BIO 5220 | Pathophysiology | 2 |
CHE 5380 | Principles of Biochemistry | 3 |
| Summer Total Credit Hours | 10 |
Fall Term
Subject/Course # | Course Title | Credit Hours |
MSMS 5350 | Pharmacology | 3 |
MSMS 5202 | Intro to Physical Exam Skills & Patient Communication | 2 |
MSMS 5260 | Health Industry & Health Disparities in the United States | 2 |
BIO 5432 | Microbiology & Immunology | 4 |
MSMS 5100 | Seminar (Grad school preparation) | 1 |
| Fall Total Credit Hours | 12 |
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