The Recreation and Leisure Services (RLS) curriculum offers the business and programming classes needed for all leisure service careers.
We offer a concentration in outdoor recreation that is designed to develop students’ knowledge and skills for leadership in areas such as adventure recreation, outdoor education, and the human dimensions of park and protected area management. We also offer a church recreation concentration to prepare students called to utilize recreation as a tool for ministry in both church, camp, and parachurch settings. Both concentrations lend themselves to preparing students for careers across the recreation spectrum (e.g., public parks and recreation, tourism operators, recreational and professional sports organizations, and state and national parks).
Degree Requirements
For more information, contact the RLS Program Director Dr. Dale Connally.
Outdoor Adventure Living-Learning Community
At Baylor University, RLS majors and minors have the unique opportunity to live among other students with similar interests through the Outdoor Adventure Living-Learning Community (OALLC). Within the OALLC, students are guided toward creating an authentic and tightly knit community through experiencing success, uncertainty, and challenge in the outdoors. By melding together a community of students who have different majors, perspectives, and beliefs, the OALLC provides a unique space to develop deeper relationships, stronger resilience, restful practices, and increased responsibility.